Interesting Play Off Duels

Feb 27, 2024 | EWHL

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): on last game day in preliminary round Budapest Jegkorong Akademia surprised with a 2-1 shootout win against Bratislava…

The other results – Bolzano wins 5-3 in Salzburg, Almaty beats the Lakers 3-1 and HKB lets the Highlanders no chance and wins clearly 12-1. Game data, the up-to-date standings & Statistics you can find in the attachment.

After that the Play Off Pick on Sunday evening brought the following duels for the quarter finals:

  • Defending Champion Hokiklub Budapest picked the KEHV Lakers (results in preliminary round: 6-0 and 8-1)
  • HC SKP Bratislava chose the SKN Sabres St. Pölten (4-0 and 3-2 OT)
  • Tauron Metropolia Silesia decided then to take the EC Graz Huskies (1-2 and 2-1)
  • Aisulu Almaty will play against MAC Budapest (4-1 and 1-4)

While the games between HKB and Lakers were also quite clear in preliminary round the other three duels promise a lot of action. Interesting is that Silesia – Graz and Aisulu – MAC even have a totally equal head2head result so far. 

Bericht: PM EWHL

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