SKP Revenge against MAC

Dez 4, 2023 | EWHL

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): on October 21 SKP lost on home ice against MAC, now they took successfully revenge in Budapest with a 4-1 road win…

Budapest Jegkorong Akademia beat the KEHV Lakers 5-3 after trailing 3 times with 3 unanswered goals in the last five minutes. With that win they came now much closer to a possible play off position. The SKN Sabres St. Pölten and Aisulu Almaty shared points – 2-3 overtime win for the Kazakhs. And after the furious win against Bolzano titleholder HK Budapest also won against the Salzburg Eagles 5-0 – nearly 24 minutes the Austrians stayed without a goal against but in the end it was anyway a clear win for the guest team.

Bericht: PM EWHL

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